
Deployed Successfully!

Version (ts:1700550928,sha:954408a)

You must >>>>> click here <<<<< to bind the webhook.

After binding the webhook, you can use the following commands to control the bot:

/help - Get command help

/new - Start a new conversation

/start - Get your ID and start a new conversation

/img - Generate an image, the complete command format is `/img image description`, for example `/img beach at moonlight`

/version - Get the current version number to determine whether to update

/setenv - Set user configuration, the complete command format is /setenv KEY=VALUE

/setenvs - undefined

/delenv - Delete user configuration, the complete command format is /delenv KEY

/usage - Get the current usage statistics of the robot

/system - View some system information

/role - Set the preset identity

/redo - Redo the last conversation, /redo with modified content or directly /redo

You can get bot information by visiting the following URL:

/telegram/:token/bot - Get bot information

For more information, please visit

If you have any questions, please visit